Monday, October 5, 2009

College Visit

We had or college visit and it went well.  Apparently something got through to him these past 18 years.  He was articulate, polite, made eye contact, shook hands, etc.  The things you assume he will do, but that you worry about when it's critical.  When he is being asked a question by the Dean of the Engineering school,  you can't help but be a little worried that the 18 year old who was running around with his little brother's light saber and tripping down the stairs, might be the one who answers.  Luckily that boy did not show up!  He argued with me about 'dressing up' but I think it helped put him in the correct state of mind for our tour.

I was exhausted by the end of the day.  I'm not sure if it is because I'm not used to walking around college campuses or because I was having a difficult time imagining my son living a campus life.


Unknown said...

You're so funny. They hide it from us but they actually are quite articulate and charming when they want to be. Good Luck!

Kim said...

My feet were killing me after we went on a visit a couple weeks ago. And I thought those shoes were so comfortable when I put them on that morning. Egads, I was wiped out.

Glad it was a good is hard to imagine them there, isn't it?