Monday, October 5, 2009

My son

Since my oldest has been the focus of my blog recently, and on my mind continually, I am reminded of him as a boy.  He's always been the goof ball, making faces in pictures and I'm sure he caused many an elementary school parent to groan when she saw that he was in her field trip group.

We were attending our summer swim team banquet (if you can call oodles of casseroles and cold cuts a banquet) when he was called to the stage to receive his trophy.  The coaches had been calling swimmers up all night, shaking their hands and giving them their trophy.  When our son got to the stage he asked the coach for the microphone.  I started to sweat.  The coach said 'insert name' wants to tell a joke.  I'm now sweating and looking for the exit.  Our son starts out "what do you call someone with a DICtionary in his pocket?  Now I'm signaling to my husband to grab the other kids and let's make a run for it.  Our son finishes "a smarty pants".

Really, this boy has been keeping me on my toes.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

oy! Scary!!! yet funny. =)