Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Optical Illusion

My boys had their physicals this week.  My baby needed one to enter (sob) 6th grade!!  The pediatrician asked him if he wanted me to leave the room during the physical (he didn't).  Another sign my baby is growing up.  

My older son needed a sports physical.  Our fall sport practices begin August 10!  

He is a bit over 6 ft. now.  When he's standing next to me I think we're the same height (I'm 5'7").  When I catch a glimpse of us in a mirror or glass door I'm amazed at how much taller he is than me.  (any of you grammar buffs -- should that be me or I)

1 comment:

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Nanc, thank you for stopping by. Glad you found my blog & I hope you'll make it a regular stop. I really enjoy meeting all you girls out there.