Friday, February 13, 2009


Ok, I hate to be a ranter but I'm so annoyed.  My daughter is in 7th grade at a private Catholic school.  Today her class can stay after school for a movie to be shown in the auditorium.  My daughter, of course, forgot her permission slip.  I called the school yesterday to say she had permission to stay and also sent a written note to school this morning.  I just received a call "could I please come up to school and fill out the permission slip".  So now I have to run by school so she can participate.  I called her counselor and she said lots of kids forgot the slip and they are calling all the parents.  I know that some of these parents will not be able to get up to school for a variety of reasons (jobs, other children, illness, and it's just a stupid form).  I suggested they put the forms on their website and she wasn't sure if they could do that???  We pay $15,000 a year for this school, get someone on the staff who can put a form on the website (or ask one of the 7th graders to do it).  

I have been at school for two days this week working on their auction. I will be spending another couple days there next week and the following.  At this moment I do not think I will be wildly waving my paddle for the adorable puppy.  

My sons are both off school today.  One is in public school the other in parochial.  Can't we coordinate this stuff.   

Ok -- 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Been there, done that. I used to say couldn't I just give them a rubber stamp of my signature since they all knew my kids would be going on any field trip or activity. I also used to send them an extra check at the beginning of the year for "incidentals." I told them to let me know when it ran out and I would send another one. The year I had 3 kids in 3 different catholic schools I used to get so frustrated that their days off weren't the same. Hello, same Diocese, not that hard!!