Friday, February 13, 2009


So I ran up to school and signed my daughter's permission slip so she was ok. When I talked to the counselor I told her I didn't quite understand this rule. The girls can stay at school until 6pm anyway but just not the theater.  In the past there have been rules which I have filed (because my daughter hates to be different or stand out) and others have not followed those rules.  For instance, her leotard was too low in the back for last years Christmas performance so I had to go get her a new one only to see others wearing much more revealing leotards.  So I told the counselor I hoped that this would be a rule they would really follow and that it would not be administered willy-nilly.  She assured me it would.

Ok now you have the back part of the story.  Here is the other part.  There is a mixer at a boys school tomorrow night.  One of the girls new to the school last year does not like my daughter and my daughter does not like her (this girl was bad mouthing one of the girls my daughter dances with who was coming to school this year).  Anyway, last years new girl invited a bunch of my daughter's friends to her house before mixer but not my daughter.  My daughter and another girl who was not invited are going to the mixer separately.  They got tickets from a boy we swim with and whose mother just so happens to dislike this mean girls brother and likes the girl mean girl was bad mouthing.    

Guess who was not allowed into the movie and had to sit in the commons.  Mean Girl.  I really think it is a stupid rule but if it is going to be enforced why not her???  Her mom is an alum and both parents are lawyers.  I'm thinking we may hear more.  If she was my daughter we would.

Sorry for the rambling but my husband does not get it.

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