Monday, December 21, 2009


Is it just my boys?   Could our educational system have been designed with less concern for how boys learn?  In many ways my two boys and two stepsons are very different.  What motivates them is different, they learn differently, they have different interests and intellects.  But none of them really enjoyed school.  At best they tolerate school.  My youngest, who is the most eager to please and always has a big smile on his face says that every minute at school seems like an hour. He comes home ready to explode and has to take a half hour to decompress.  I'm not one of those parents who think their children are bored because they are just so much brighter than the rest of the class.  I think my boys expend all of their energy just getting themselves to stay sitting in their chairs.  Originally I believed that block scheduling (only 3 or 4 classes a day but and 1 - 1/2 hours in length) would be helpful for my boys because the teachers could delve into the subject more thoroughly and they could perhaps do some interesting activities.  Unfortunately, it has turned out to be an excercise in sitting longer,

My daughter thinks school is just fine.  She is somewhat bothered by the pesky studying but the social aspects get her through the day.  She develops a quick understanding of her teachers.  Most of her teachers are women, many are alumnae of her school, and they share stories about their children, husband,  school experience.  Sometimes it sounds like very little school work is being done.  Since it is a Catholic school they seem to have lots of visits to the Chapel, First Friday masses, rosaries and many days off.

My children in Catholic school have been off since last Thursday and Friday.  My other son goes through tomorrow and he is not happy.

1 comment:

Toad said...

Nanc, I despised every second of every day in school. Our educational system is a mess, and from my experience as a student, father and bonus father of kids in private schools in and around STL they are no better.

Sadly, its mostly something to be endured. On the other hand I have 2 nephews in classes of 3 or 4 each and they adore it.