Thursday, September 17, 2009

You're going to college next year?????

My son, who has always been a bit of a challenge, is a senior.  He is going away to college we hope (he has great test scores which will hopefully offset the fact that he HATES  to do homework or turn it in when has done it).  

Many of my friends who have seniors have begun to hear "next year, when I'm at college, you'll have no idea what I'm doing".  Not a confidence builder but a typical senior response.

What am I getting?  Text messages asking if he can go to the football game after swimming, can he stay and time for another meet, can he go out for lunch, go to a movie.  All those years of pushing the envelope and suddenly he is asking permission??  

Maybe if texting had been around when he was younger we would have avoided some struggles.   

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