Monday, April 20, 2009

Computer Progress

My youngest came home from school today and told me he had to have a picture of himself dressed in colonial attire for a report due tomorrow.  Ok, sure.  Fortunately, we had been to Williamsburg a couple of years ago and got him a tri-corner hat (and we found it in our dress-up box).  He put on his black baseball pants, white shirt and I ran and got a plaid Pendleton vest from my Dad's.  We took pictures and emailed to Walgreens.  I ran and got those and we are done.  But really, isn't this ridiculous.  He could never do all this himself.

My husband is going on a trip to visit his quite elderly mother this week and needed his boarding passes, itinerary, etc.  He is 67 now and semi retired (he's many years older than me -- wouldn't that one housewife on Real Housewives of NYC have fun with us).  Back in the day he had a staff that took care of things like this for him.  Now he has a part-time assistant who doesn't do any of this stuff so I am doing it for him.  However, he seems to think he still has that staff of years ago.  I believe he just may end up in a middle seat on one leg of this trip and upgrades are definitely out.

I really preferred when teachers had the students draw a picture or cut it out of a magazine.  And going to travel agents was easier.  All this can be done by me but it does take up time.  

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