Friday, March 20, 2009

Special Olympics

The President should not be making off-hand comments about the Special Olympics.  That is just the type of comment my teenager might have made and we would have come down hard on him for it.  If you are going to be on national tv maybe a more scripted format would be better so you  avoid these type of glib remarks.   As we have explained to our children, you don't use other people to get laughs or make yourself seem cool.    I understand it was an impromptu remark, not planned, buy he's a bright man, why would this come out of his mouth?  I know he apologized but do you think we might see some representatives from Special Olympics on the Today Show or nightly news  suggesting that a comment such as the President's is misguided???  I don't think so.

1 comment:

Belle said...

Thanks so much for your comment!

Have a great day!