Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just Because You Say It's True

I have had a great day watching the inaugural activities.  I had planned on staying at home all day today, and since I am almost always near a tv I was able to watch all day.  I thought the enthusiasm was wonderful, and seeing some of the spectators with tears in their eyes made me realize that I simply can't understand what this election means to some people.   

That said, I found much of the reporting extraordinarily  poor.  Clearly many, many of the reporters have a end in mind before they start their reports.  When I took Journalism classes there was an emphasis on choosing words that are neutral.  I saw very little of this today.  I'm not quite certain what their agenda was, I guess to get some last digs in.  I was listening to one who commented on the bad form of the crowd at booing at Cheney.  Of course it was bad manners, certainly not anything we would tolerate from our children.  But night after night you have been doing this on your television show.  It was a lovely event, some parts of it I liked more than others,, but why mar it with poor manners.

Some of the observations made as being general facts just didn't ring true.  Just because you say it doesn't make it a fact.

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