Friday, January 16, 2009

13 Year Old Girls !!!!!

I can't take 13 year old girls!!  I know how to deal with the messy room, clothes on the floor, ridiculous requests for high end purses but the social issues are frustrating.  My daughter has a 4 day weekend and had made plans with another girl for movies today.  While trying to schedule activities for my 10  year old (also off today) I tried to get my daughter to give me a rough estimate of the timing of her movie, etc.  Her friend kept putting her off, had another friend spending the night.  You know the drill.  I kept telling my daughter make other plans, lets go pick up C while we are close to her house.  You always have fun with her.  No, No, No, I am going to the movies with E.  Then E texts saying she will beg her mom to let her go to the movie but since she had someone over last night it might not work.  I know it's not going to work so I said lets call K or C or R.  But no!!!  Finally K called with plans for tonight and what does my daughter do???  Decline -- she might go to the movie with E.  Ok ...  I told her you must call E and get her to commit now -- with specific details.  Well surprise, E can't go to the movies.  We call K back and my daughter will be going to a basketball game with her tonight.  More fun anyway.  

How do you tell your daughter she is being dumped for a better offer?  I think as a Mom (because of our experience being teenage girls) that we can pick out these troublesome girls.  How can you get your daughter to listen to you without saying E is a b-----, and so is her mom.

1 comment:

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I hate to tell you this but mean girls (and their mean moms) still pull this garbage at 18 years of age. I used to tell my daughter this...not everybody has been raised to be considerate of others and some people are just short of hateful and only think of themselves. You are better than this and have been taught to do your best to not hurt another person's feelings. Distance yourself from the mean girl and make your own plans (and don't invite her!!!)

I just had to get that last little dig in! Nothing in this world makes me as mad as someone who hurts one of my children. NOTHING! I can be a cold cold person!