Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The other day Pearls to Hide My Neck had a funny post relating to her husband's concern over how many shoes she has, lights left on, etc.  I think we can all relate.  Well this morning my husband asked me what I was going to do today.  Hmm, a long tub, manicure, maybe get my hair colored and a nice lunch with wine and friends.  Gee, he watched me wrapping our children's presents last night and saw that we are short for our youngest (he is getting a real drum set but needs a few more to open).  He knows we are going to my parent's home tomorrow night for dinner and I have to bring something our children can eat (another post).  We're going to my sisters' home for Christmas and I have to bring dishes there, and we are hosting an after Christmas dinner for his son and family on Friday (they bring nothing -- maybe not even presents for our children).  Still have to buy gifts for step-granddaughter (which is fun at this age).  Every piece of my daughter's clothing is in her hamper (and she wears a uniform).   What should I do today?
If there are any grammar experts out there can you please remind me about the ' for children, sister and parents.  My brain is fuddled.

Update:  The big present for my older son (a pick-up for his stand up bass) is not here.  It was shipped December 12 and got misrouted.  The rep at the company I used has gone home for the holidays but someone checking her email told me to check with UPS -- but didn't give me a tracking number.  

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