Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

We've had a wonderful holiday.   Although, next year I am doing my Christmas shopping much earlier.  I was running around like crazy the last few days.  It seems as though all our extended family was available all the time so we had lots of last minute gatherings.  My sister only lives a mile away but as our children get older it has become more difficult to get everyone in on place.  I guess it is easier now because our older children go out later and later (when the rest of us are getting ready for bed).

My parents had us over several times and are having a New Years Party tonight.  My parents are in their 80s and it is just hard for them to get things organized.  So my sister and I are basically catering their party.  I made crab rangoon, brisket, stromboli.  Now I don't feel like fixing anything for us so we are going out for dinner if I can make last minute reservations.  My mother likes everyone to sit around her dining room table for hours.  When I mentioned that this might be uncomfortable for some of her friends she said "they could just go to hell".  How's that for the title of an entertaining book (hope Martha doesn't steal it).  My parents had a falling out with my brother a year ago and have really had a mental decline.  Or I guess my brother had a falling out with the rest of the family.  Mom just has this edge about her now.  It's an interesting story I will share one day but she really used to be gracious and very kind.

So I was watching MSNBC, my favorite daytime viewing, and they are talking about SIPIC bailing out the Madoff investors.  I don't understand this, can't I get my accounts restored to the value they were at earlier this year.  If they could restore my accounts to their highest points I would take all that money I've lost and finish the redo on my kitchen and master bath. I won't put it back in the accounts that lost the money but will invest it in our economy.   Please, it would really help out local economy, I'll use local contractors ... whatever you want.  I guess I should have done my investing with someone who promised a 50% return.

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