Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Break

Our oldest is home from college and we seem to have finally adjusted. He kept crazy hours when he first got home and I'm still not thrilled with all the coming and goings but at least I can get some sleep now.

Christmas was very nice and my youngest son served mass which made it easier for me to get moving. I always enjoy having Christmas at our house and miss it the years my sister does it. We have done a fair amount of entertaining over the holiday and will be having yet another dinner tonight for a stepson who couldn't manage to get here for any of the other gatherings.

Tonight is the Insight Bowl and we were invited to a party but it conflicted with tonights dinner. I'm not sure we would have been able to attend anyway since the game begins at 9pm and we are usually looking for our jammies around 9. Doesn't seem like the best time choice for two midwestern teams.

So this year one of my New Year resolutions will be to listen to my husband when he says not to worry about cleaning the house when family and friends are coming over (at least when it is is family and friends).

1 comment:

Toad said...

Happy 2011. Soon you will have your home and schedule back. It was all worth it.