Friday, May 21, 2010


My oldest graduated high school!!! He even managed to get his cap and gown and fines paid. A little part of me was concerned that he would have forgotten to turn in some paper necessary for a state required class. Because I am supersticious I did not purchase anything with 2010 on it until I saw his diploma. We will be having his graduation celebration in a few weeks. Lots of the 2010 paper products are gone and it is on to 4th of July.

I also attended a college graduation. When I graduated, the valedictorian and saludatorian gave commencement speeches. At my son's graduation the senior class voted on the speeches to determine who would be honored. I'm not sure how the college graduation speakers were determined but it was not by GPA.

If I remember correctly, when I graduated the speeches tended to include lines about going in to the world and changing and improving it. At my son's graduation it seemed as though both speakers (female) were auditioning for Glee.

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