Thursday, February 25, 2010

Alice In Wonderland

Perhaps my interest in Alice In Wonderland has been piqued by my husband's seven night stay in the hospital. I do believe I have fallen into a hole. He's home, still has some symptoms and we have yet to get results from all the tests or a direction to follow. The doctor's office has still not returned our call to schedule an appointment. I can do an entire post on this experience.

Last night, as my 14 year old daughter and I were leaving the library I asked her if she was planning going to see Alice in Wonderland. She is and already has her group organized. I asked her what was the appeal. Her answer, it's a Tim Burton production and everyone knows Lewis Carroll was stoned when he wrote Alice in Wonderland.

So I'm still wondering ... I'm not sure how the movie industry works but I'm assuming when they 'pitch a project' there is a target audience. Why would someone choose a longtime childhood favorite and turn it into a vehicle to make teens think drugs are funny? I think that all those American Pie films fill that niche.

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