Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lights Please

I spent the weekend at a water polo tournament and numerous dance recital productions. Everything was great and I had planned ahead so I didn't try to accomplish anything around the house this weekend.

Most people have gotten into the habit of turning off their cell phones during recitals. I don't have a blue tooth but apparently the guy in front of me at this afternoon's production does. All during the show it was interminttently blinking. On the back of his ear. What's the point? He couldn't see it. So annoying. He appeared to be late 50s or early 60s, sporting a fake tan. I have spent enough time among teenage girls to spot a fake tan and usually pinpoint the origin (spray, tanning bed, cream).

We still do not have mirrors in our master bath, and since we had sunlight yesterday I put my make-up on in the front hall where the sunshine just beemed. Not good, at all. Back to the filtered light in the guest bath.

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