Sunday, May 24, 2009


Today we went to the 7:00 am mass  because my youngest we serving for his first time.  He wanted a quiet mass that his friends would not be at for his first time out.  He did have one buddy there, a boy who had spent the night with us.  

We never go to this early mass.  It's just too hard to get up, look decent and get out of the house on time.  I knew the older folks frequent this mass and since we had to be there early for my son to prepare I got a chance to really look around at the crowd (not really a crowd this early).    As I watched them come in I was touched at how they all help one another.  If the wife has a cane the husband will help lead her into the pew.  If a husband is shuffling or all hunched over the wife will take his arm.  They were all so patient and kind with one another.   It was so inspiring to see -- I'm sure it's hard to change your pace or you expectations but they all seemed to graceful and loving.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

there is an elderly couple at our church. sometimes she does a reading. when she comes back to the pew, my husband noticed that her husband does a little silent clapping for her. so cute and loving.