Monday, April 13, 2009

Crossing My Fingers

For the past three weeks my children have all been in school for a total of ...... one ...... day.  We've had different spring breaks, a major flu bug and Easter Holidays, winning the basketball tourney holidays, you name it.  I still have two home today but tomorrow they should all be in school!!!

They are older now so it's not as difficult as when they were little but it is still hard to get much done when they are home.   I really struggled getting ready for Easter this year, but it ended up fine and everyone had a great time.  I am usually ready early but not this year.

We have lots of activities coming up now, baseball, water polo, graduations, birthdays, etc.  I just want to have a few days to get a handle on some things in the house and some paperwork which has accumulated cleared out.   If I can spend all day tomorrow at home, BY MYSELF, I will be able to enjoy all these activities so much more.

One thing I have learned from reading various blogs, is you really should enjoy everyday with our family.  

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