Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break

My oldest son is on spring break this week and my youngest two are on break next week.  There seems to be no coordination between schools in our area of town.  Some of the private, catholic and public schools are off this week some next.  He doesn't really care because he is involved in water polo and has practices every day.  My daughter is not thrilled that we won't be going anywhere.  Maybe a quick trip to Chicago but I'm not sure.  If anyone is near Springfield, Illinois the Lincoln museum is wonderful.  I grew up in Chicago and it seems like we were overloaded with museum field trips and weekend family outings to museums.  I was really impressed with the Lincoln museum, it's very different than what I was used to and kept all my children interested.  (that was a day trip last year).

Anyway, it is really stressful having one off and the other two in school.  He has had friends over and even though they hang in basement it is still a distraction for the other two and I'm tired.  I hear them leaving around midnight, I can see the alarm flashing because a door is left ajar, I hear the pool balls clanging.  And I cannot keep food in the house.  I forgot how much they eat when they are home all the time.  And I'm handing out $20s like tic tacs.  It is nice having all this activity, just wish the other two were off now.  

I'm training for a half marathon so I am trying not to let this disorder get in the way of my schedule.  My days seem so short, I'm going to bed later than usual but still have to get up early with the others.  

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