Monday, March 29, 2010

Big Mistake

One of my biggest parenting mistakes, and one that I can immediately see was wrong, was getting our 6th grader a phone. At least half of the children in his class already had phones and we had planned on getting him one this summer for his birthday. I don't think he every goes places where he does not have easy access to a phone but he was driving us crazy and he's the last of five so it's a short drive.

When my husband was in the hospital I really felt I wanted to be able to talk to our youngest whenever I had a free moment and a good cell connection. I didn't want to go through someone's mom or one of our other children. So when we got home from the hospital and settled we went and bought a phone.

He never answers the phone when I call. He usually can't find the phone or it is not charged. But the worst part of the phone is when it is charged. He gets lots and lots of calls from girls. Yesterday, one of the girls called to tell him she had just won her volleyball tournament. I know it is appropriate for girls to call boys, and I know their calls are innocent (like the volleyball tournament) but I just don't like girls calling my son. I am probably 10 years older than many of the moms in my sons class and maybe that is the difference. I was raised to believe a woman could do anything a man can do but this just bugs me.

I don't want my daughter calling boys however my older son will probably need a girl to call him to give him a nudge. He doesn't seem to get any hints girls drop in his direction.

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