Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Group Learning

There seems to be a trend in two of my children's schools toward group learning. My older son participated in these types of activities when he was younger and it seemed to be something to be endured or tolerated rather than an enhancement of the learning process. At best he learned that the girls would usually get their way or tell on you if you didn't agree with their particular take on a problem. In my younger son's case he is in a math group with two girls. They're bossy and best friends. I just don't see math as a place to use group learning, not at this age and grade level. There is nothing to be gained from talking about the problems, no new insights. He is not engaged. He worked in a group in his science class doing a dissection and I understand using a group when you have limited resources. And of course getting to cut anything up is fun!

At my daughter's school they have been put in groups to study the constitution. The teacher stated that the smartest girls would be the group leaders ( not my daughter). Another girl in the group would grade the tests. My daughter chose not to do that since she is not one to seek out any extra work. The girls are not allowed to talk to the teacher about the subject, but must go to the group leader.

My son's school is having a 'dialogue' and the principal wants us to email him any questions we have beforehand. In the past whenever I have raised concerns about group work I am told that it will really help them in the workplace. I worked for 20 years and do not think that group work in grade school would have made me more successful. In the workplace you have clearly defined roles and areas of expertise. The 6th graders seem fairly interchangeable. I am going to email my concerns about group work but wonder if anyone has other comments or viewpoints before I contact the principal. Discuss.

1 comment:

Toad said...

Were you around years ago when the schools handed out self esteem?

What a boon to mankind that has turned out to be.

My suspicion is you can go to heaven and back, but common sense is so absent from any school system that you would be happier beating your head with a rock. Gotta try though.