Saturday, July 31, 2010

Clarify Please

I picked my oldest son up from a 3 week summer session at our State's engineering university. He gets 3 credit hours and the opportunity to become familiar with some of the professors and layout of the school. If you were dropped onto this campus, with no knowledge of it's specialty, you would be able to guess that it is an engineering school.

As we are driving home younger son tells his brother he should major in computer engineering, get a job at Bungee (they make x-box games) so he can tell him all the secret codes. Older son laughs and says he is not going to spend 7 YEARS OF HIS LIFE getting a computer degree so his brother can get secret game codes.

Please tell me he is referring to undergraduate and graduate school!!


Unknown said...

I think I would want MAJOR clarification on that one!

Football and Fried Rice said...

HA!!! I know with MY oldest son it COULD merely mean 7 years of undergraduate :) I have SO much hope for the future!!

I LOVED your comment on my blog - your daughter sounds delightful! I would have barely been able to stifle my laughter in the car that day!