Monday, February 1, 2010


Over the holidays, for the first time, I kept lists. I bought a steno book (I loved these when I worked) and kept lists for gifts, dinner parties, etc. This may have contributed to our low stress Christmas.

My sister has always kept lists, I have never kept a list. No matter what my sister does she appears to accomplish it with no effort, but I believe her secret is the list. Her lists are extremely detailed and sometimes are even color coded. If she is hosting a function at her house it is so easy to help her since she can just give you a portion of the list to complete. Another lawyer friend of mine is also a huge list maker. I have been at her house early on the day she is hosting a party and thought there is no way she is going to pull this off. She is the most graceful hostess and never gives any sense of being stressed or overwhelmed. She uses a legal pad to make extraordinary lists.

Are you a list maker?

I have lots going on this month and really quite a bit through the end of the school year. So I am going to make lists and see if that helps. I find myself wasting so much time, and probably money, on trips to the grocery store or Target.

1 comment:

Toad said...

I couldn't live without my lists. Not that I accomplish that much, I just need the reminders.